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Guided Tour / Exemplary Analysis - Step 7 of 20

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Description: In the next step, the aim is to remove all sequences with an unacceptably low conversion rate or with a high number of sequencing errors from the alignment. This step is necessary to ensure high data quality. Here we see that sequences [5] and [7] have a conversion rate below 90% (this is the default cutoff, which can be changed in the program's configuration file) and the program suggests to exclude these two sequences. There is one aspect that may lead to confusion here: why does sequence [5] fall below the threshold even though it has a conversion rate of exactly 90%? This is because in fact is has a conversion rate slightly below 90%, which is rounded to 90%. But the cutoff is done on the exact value.

Furthermore, the program suggests to exclude sequence [11] because of a high error rate.

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